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Company website revision notice

      In order to better play the role of the company's website as a window and media for corporate publicity, and enhance the cognition and communication of customers on Qiannuo International, we have revised the company's website in 2020 according to the opinions and suggestions of employees。
      This revision has made an adaptive website, In this way, users on PC, pad, and mobile phones can obtain information synchronously, IT also facilitates daily maintenance and management by IT personnel, On the basis of no deletion of content, the interface is clean (the company's website has more content, Many plates),Convenient for customers to browse and conduct business consultation。
      At present, the company's website is still being modified and improved, Please give us more valuable suggestions, Support website construction work, Make the company website really become the external display of the company image,Let customers know about Qiannuo, 了解业务流程的网站; 对内增进员工了解公司经营、管理动态, A platform for communication and learning。
Sinoark International Trade (Beijing) Co., LTD

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